Thursday, July 30, 2009

Part Way Here

Hello everyone,

We have had a enventful last couple of days. We were able to sit and watch the Lazer Light show over downtown Hong Kong. It is pretty remarkable. There is nothing like it anywhere else in the world. Then we stayed the night in a little hotel the men got up early to go to this park and watch a lot of Chinise people practice Ti Chi. That was cool. We then go to the Hong Kong airport to find out that Jared, Jessica, and Sam's visa's were already used up and that they couln't fly to Beijing. So after a lot of calls and consideration Ernest and myself flew to Beijing and Christine stayed behind with the rest of the team to get new Visa's. The good news is that they got them and are flying here to Beijing as I am typing this. Soon we will be back together as a team safe and happy. As for today Ernest and I are going to do some work in in the factory as volunteers. Then tommorow the team is going to the Great Wall, Summer Palace and Wangfujing Street! Great Fun!

-The MTL

1 comment:

  1. Wow,sounds great! Hope you guys can enjoy the rest couple days in China. Remember"You are not a real man until you visit the Great Wall" Haha!
    Miss U guys!
