Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ho Tang! (Awesome in Cantenese)

We are here in Hong Kong still and we are being amazed everyday! It is so amazing to see all the nations having fun here! When we get to hear all the different languages singing for the father it is chilling and breathtaking. We are going to workshops for sports and learning different sports and activities to teach in China! The rallies are Ho Tang! That word, we hope we are spelling right, means awesome and in the rallies we hear that word all the time about the father and his love! We are making so many friends here from all different nationalities!

Today we learned a Christine Lederle Tradition called a Tim Tam Slam! Don't worry parents it does not involve any sort of drug or alcohol! Every day we learn a new word or sound effect for the camp! Try to use your imagination and past knowledge from Star Wars. Remember the sound that the Star troopers guns make when they shoot (puuuu puuu) well that is how it sounds! Yesterdays sound effect was oosh oosh! This is just one of the many awesome things we have learned and experienced in our rallies!

Yesterday we were able to experience something that none of us have experienced! TYYYYYPPPPHHHHOOOONNNN!!!!! Ok well when you think about a typhoon you think of destructive and choatic, but that wasn't really how this one was. It was more of just alot of rain and anticipation. In Hong Kong the people have a rating system for typhoons. The system is a 1, 3 , 8, 10. When a 1 is posted it is like a warning it isn't really anything to get to excited about. When a 3 is posted people should start heading home and trying to get to shelter. If a 3 is posted kindergarten and preschool students don't even have to go to school. When an 8 is posted people don't even have to go to work and kids don't have to attend school. When a 10 is posted that means we are in the storm and it is right above us. All day yesterday we were in a 3 post and then at 11 p.m. or 23:00 we were in an 8. Our team was asleep by the time it hit an 8 and to tell you the truth it wasn't that powerful because none of us woke up. The Hong Kong people made it out to be much bigger than it was even though it probably could have been a really big deal. For preparation they tape up the windows so that if the window breaks it will stay somewhat together, and they post signs up everywhere as warnings and notifications.

Well I just want to let everyone know that it is going great and we are all healthy and HO TANG!


Big "E"


  1. Sounds like you all are having an amazing time. The pictures are great! We are thinking about you all daily! Thanks for the posts! Emma said to tell her brother she hopes he's having a wonderful time, that she can't wait to hear his amazing stories, and that she loves him! (So do we!)

  2. Sounds like your having a great time. It raining hear now not ta typhoon just weat texas thunderstorm, Love you Dad
