Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hello, Hello, Hello....

Well the first few days of our trip and we're already learning to be flexible : ). Please forgive our lack of communication, it's been super difficult to get on the Internet. We've finally figured out a way that "should" keep us connected at least while we're in Hong Kong (thru Wednesday). Jared's ipod has been great to get online some, but we were unable to post anything of substance so here goes....

We arrived safely with all of our luggage!! (Always something to be thankful for). Hong Kong is such an amazing city! It is huge, and there are so many people everywhere. We are certainly in the minority most places we go, this calls for lots of stares but, I reckon it's fun to be a celebrity for a while : ) haha. We are currently staying at a local University for a training Camp we're attending before going to China. The sessions began last night at 7 so we had the whole day to head into the city and play around. We managed to find our way around the city taking train after train after train to get into the city. There were so many stores and the city has a real NYC feel to it with taxi's, big buildings, etc.

Lunch was fun, we ended up just walking into a restaurant and picking and choosing from a very strange menu... turns out we chose the right things and we had some fun new experiences with Asian cuisine. The food has been different but the team's been so great and is adapting. We've also been daring at times and haven't gone wrong so far : ).

Then we took the opportunity to take the 5Star ferry across the harbor to Hong Kong Island... it was so beautiful and the city seems to go on for miles and miles. We've been taking some good photos and should we find the right cords we can perhaps upload some. Then it was back to the University for our Camp opening session. We are meeting some amazing people from all over the world who are doing some amazing things and sharing the good news to their local communities. It is so humbling to see, them sing in freedom! I know a few of us had some tears watching this.

We've had almost a full day of Camp today. Learning loads about China/Hong Kong... Stephen and I are busy with Team Leaders meetings and the rest of the group are enjoying playing in the rain at sports training workshops. The weather is very hot and humid so it's been a refreshing change.

Please continue to keep us in your thoughts! We're all excited for great things that are on the horizon. We love you and miss you all!


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