Monday, July 20, 2009

I have Chop Stix cramps

Ni Hao from Hong Kong,
We are having an amazing time here just hanging out with people of many different Nations. Today we had our morning rally and it was absolutely awesome (Ho Tang). We just got done with our workshop, and we just met our friend in Guangdong and found out what kinda things we will be doing while we are there, it sounds like we are going to have a good time. We are trying to decided whether we should spend the 8 HK dollars which is really like a dollar to go swimming or if we should go on a hike and go exploring, Ernest, Jess and I found this really cool bridge which I think looks like the bridge from Jungle Book but I don't think anyone else really agrees with me but oh well, not everyone can have a brilliant imagination like me! We have to get up really early in the morning because our awesome and brilliant team leader Stephen Signed us up for a 4 -5am time slot! But really we absolutely love our team leaders and they are amazing we are so glad they are our leaders. It was really interesting I had to teach a lesson today in our workshop and having to speak and then have a translator was really interesting because I had to talk in like spurts so she would be able to translate it, but I am really glad I was able to get that opportunity to do that. Well hope that everything is going well back home. We love all of you and miss you all.



  1. It sounds like you are having a great time!! I love all of the pictures!! Keep them coming!! The stories are great too!! I feel like I am over there with you! You are in my thoughts all of the time!!! Keep all of the stories coming!!! Have a great time and can't wait to see you!!

  2. Hey Jared! Glad to see you enjoying your time there! Hope that you guys have an amazing experience.

  3. Hey Jared...
    I just got this message from Mel and he wanted me to pass it on to you since they don't have a blog account. Love ya!

    Please let him know we're thinking about him, and we're glad to hear he made if safely to Hong Kong and he's doing well. Great pictures on the post, by the way.

    Thank you,


  4. Hey Sam...
    We are working very hard at the Plano tournament trying to fill your softball team for the season. Sarah, Randy, Bobby, etc. send their best and wish you luck. Dad is trying to decide if he should go to Bubba Moose or not; I'm staying, I am beat.... Sarah asked me to tell you to bring her back a post card from China because she collects post cards and that one would be the best one of all. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Miss you and Love you Lots.... Mom & Dad

  5. Jared,
    I can't believe you left the country without paying me my $5! I'll be looking for you when you get back. Hope all is going well. I've been thinking about you...and my $5.

    Love ya,
    P.S. Mr. G and the boys send their regards.

  6. Jared,

    DUDE...this is huge!!! My mom just got back from China, and she brought back a candy that is basically just a really big Pez! I know, it's hard to contain your excitement. It's wrapper has a little guy that looks like an orange with arms and legs. If you find any over there, buy a ton of them and we'll sell them here in the states and be rich! I mean, who wouldn't want giant Pez, right?

    Here's a link to a pic of the wrapper: http://www.tinyurl/jrodcandy

    Seriously bro, hope you're having a great trip!


  7. Whoops! The link SHOULD be
