Monday, July 13, 2009

MTL - Stephen Wilson

MTL = Male Team Leader

Hello everyone, my name is Stephen Wilson and this is my third trip with Sterling College in 2 years. On my first trip the team and I went to Kenya, Africa. The team was lead by the one and only Christine Lederle. My second trip with the the college was to Cape Town, South Africa. This team was also lead by the incredible Christine Lederle with myself as the Assistant Team Leader. This time Christine and I are Co-leading the team to China.

I Just recently graduate from Sterling College in April with a degree in Sports Management. I was on the SC football team and was involved with the Student Life Department during my years there. I am now living in Minneapolis, MN and trying to figure out what next the father has planned for me. I am excited to see what all the father has planned for Team China during our stay there.


  1. Hi Brodsie!!! We miss you so much and cant wait till you come home! i miss you so much and love you! be safe and we'll talk to you soon! oh and we gots a lil surprise for you as a "Welcome Home" gift.... :P
    Granddad wants to know how you and your "special friend" are doing.

    We love and miss you brodes.
    love always,
    your favorite sister ever! (Abby)

  2. Hey, Brodes--glad to hear how well your trip has gone. We are looking forward to seeing you soon. Either your dad or I have awakened nearly every morning at 4a.m. thinking about you. That's 6p.m. your time, right? Sometimes I pick up the phone to call or text you and then realize that I can't. Sadness.Portland was great, but I'll bet China is better! We love you and miss you. Mom and Dad
