Monday, July 13, 2009

J-ROD (Jared)

Hola....(Oh wait thats Spanish) Ni Hao (there we go, I knew it was in there somewhere) Anyways my name is Jared Brown, and I am from the big Metropolis of Augusta Kansas. This is my first trip with Sterling College. I have 2 more years at Sterling, majoring in Athletic Training and Exercise Science. I have been on several trips before to Mexico, so this will be the first time I have been overseas. I am very excited! Well thats really all I can think of for the moment, So there was a brief intro into the life of Jared Brown, I am sure you will be hearing more from me as the trip goes on.


  1. Hey fam,
    Just wanted to tell you that I am having a blast here, we just got done playin soccer with a bunch of the students here it was a lot of fun. It was great last night we were in a Typhoon, so that makes a hurrican and a typhoon that I have been in while in different countries. Well I just wanted to let you know what I am up to, so if you could pass it on to the rest of the family and maybe let Steve know that we got here safely and that we are doing good so that he could report back to the church that would be great. Thank you, I love you guys alot and cant wait to tell you all the adventures that we are having, see you all in a few weeks.

    Love Jared

  2. Hey bud! It was great to hear from you! I can't imagine what an amazing time you are having! The wedding was really nice; Micah said he was glad you decided to go to China instead of coming to Illinois! He would have done exactly the same thing! :-) We are in the Amana Colonies today. It's really pretty, but you would have been bored to tears...Em has taken tons of pictures, and I am having fun checking out all the little shops. Dad is enjoying seeing all the old barns and farm stuff. I've had fun reading all the blogs. I hope you all are able to continue doing them when you get to your next location! I also hope you are taking LOTS of pictures! Keep us posted! Love you tons, bud. Mom

  3. Jared-
    Grandma and I are learning as I type. It was great to talk to you on the phone yesterday. We know you are having a great time and new experiences everytime you turn around. We will be anxious to hear all the stories and see all the pictures when you get home. We think of you everyday. Eat some pigskin for me but don't bring any home!LOL! Love ya' G&P

  4. J-Rod!!! You look so good over there. How exciting for you....just don't fall outa anything and break something...tee hee!! You are truly a blessing. Take care of yourself.Come home safe to us.

  5. Hey bud! I know you aren't able to get to the internet right now, but just wanted to say "hi" it will be here when you do get back on the blog. Lots of people asked about you this morning...wondering how your trip was going. They are looking forward to hearing all about it. I told a few people the story about your bracelet...they thought it was very cool! Enjoy your last few days in Shunde. Love you!!! Mom

  6. Hey bud! It was fun hearing your voice (I want a robe) the other morning, even though you sounded really tired! I hope you're having a great time. (I want a robe) It was weird not having you go with us to the wedding (I want a robe), but I know you are exactly where you are supposed to be. I love you (I want a robe) and miss you lots. Talk to you soon.
    Love ya! (I want a robe)

    P.S. All subliminal messages have been removed from this post!!! LOL!!!

  7. looking forward to seeing you soon. I can't wait to hear more about your adventures in China. I really enjoyed my time there.
