Wednesday, July 29, 2009


We are in Hong Kong for one night before we fly to Bejing. We are at a little smoothie shop in a mall in downtown Hong Kong that allows us to use the internet. We are all doing well and enjoying the experience together. We are in a hurry so we can catch the lazer light show over Hong Kong. Thank you for keeping us in you thoughts and we will see you soon State Side!

The Team


  1. Hey guys,this is Henry!I am sure you guys know who I am. I went to your college's website and then I found this website.haha! I can tell that yull'(you all,i learnt from Sammy) are having great days in China.Being with you guys is a memorable thing in my life and i hope you all enjoy the time in China and come here again if you have time in future.
    Last but not least:"Awesome" in Chinese,not Cantonese is called" Hao Bang" not"Ho Tang"
    Have fun,guys!
    Miss u!

  2. I am so excited to hear from you!! I have missed seeing your comments!! I hope all of you are doing good!! Ernest I love you and miss you!! I can't believe how hard it has been to not just pick up the phone and call you!! I am so spoiled!! I can't wait to hear about your trip!! I know you are going to have some great stories!!! I can't wait to see you when you get back to the states!! Have fun on the rest of your trip!! See you soon!!
    I love you,
    Love mom
