Thursday, July 30, 2009

Part Way Here

Hello everyone,

We have had a enventful last couple of days. We were able to sit and watch the Lazer Light show over downtown Hong Kong. It is pretty remarkable. There is nothing like it anywhere else in the world. Then we stayed the night in a little hotel the men got up early to go to this park and watch a lot of Chinise people practice Ti Chi. That was cool. We then go to the Hong Kong airport to find out that Jared, Jessica, and Sam's visa's were already used up and that they couln't fly to Beijing. So after a lot of calls and consideration Ernest and myself flew to Beijing and Christine stayed behind with the rest of the team to get new Visa's. The good news is that they got them and are flying here to Beijing as I am typing this. Soon we will be back together as a team safe and happy. As for today Ernest and I are going to do some work in in the factory as volunteers. Then tommorow the team is going to the Great Wall, Summer Palace and Wangfujing Street! Great Fun!

-The MTL

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


We are in Hong Kong for one night before we fly to Bejing. We are at a little smoothie shop in a mall in downtown Hong Kong that allows us to use the internet. We are all doing well and enjoying the experience together. We are in a hurry so we can catch the lazer light show over Hong Kong. Thank you for keeping us in you thoughts and we will see you soon State Side!

The Team

Monday, July 20, 2009

I have Chop Stix cramps

Ni Hao from Hong Kong,
We are having an amazing time here just hanging out with people of many different Nations. Today we had our morning rally and it was absolutely awesome (Ho Tang). We just got done with our workshop, and we just met our friend in Guangdong and found out what kinda things we will be doing while we are there, it sounds like we are going to have a good time. We are trying to decided whether we should spend the 8 HK dollars which is really like a dollar to go swimming or if we should go on a hike and go exploring, Ernest, Jess and I found this really cool bridge which I think looks like the bridge from Jungle Book but I don't think anyone else really agrees with me but oh well, not everyone can have a brilliant imagination like me! We have to get up really early in the morning because our awesome and brilliant team leader Stephen Signed us up for a 4 -5am time slot! But really we absolutely love our team leaders and they are amazing we are so glad they are our leaders. It was really interesting I had to teach a lesson today in our workshop and having to speak and then have a translator was really interesting because I had to talk in like spurts so she would be able to translate it, but I am really glad I was able to get that opportunity to do that. Well hope that everything is going well back home. We love all of you and miss you all.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lets try this again hahaha here are a few there will be more to come

Ho Tang! (Awesome in Cantenese)

We are here in Hong Kong still and we are being amazed everyday! It is so amazing to see all the nations having fun here! When we get to hear all the different languages singing for the father it is chilling and breathtaking. We are going to workshops for sports and learning different sports and activities to teach in China! The rallies are Ho Tang! That word, we hope we are spelling right, means awesome and in the rallies we hear that word all the time about the father and his love! We are making so many friends here from all different nationalities!

Today we learned a Christine Lederle Tradition called a Tim Tam Slam! Don't worry parents it does not involve any sort of drug or alcohol! Every day we learn a new word or sound effect for the camp! Try to use your imagination and past knowledge from Star Wars. Remember the sound that the Star troopers guns make when they shoot (puuuu puuu) well that is how it sounds! Yesterdays sound effect was oosh oosh! This is just one of the many awesome things we have learned and experienced in our rallies!

Yesterday we were able to experience something that none of us have experienced! TYYYYYPPPPHHHHOOOONNNN!!!!! Ok well when you think about a typhoon you think of destructive and choatic, but that wasn't really how this one was. It was more of just alot of rain and anticipation. In Hong Kong the people have a rating system for typhoons. The system is a 1, 3 , 8, 10. When a 1 is posted it is like a warning it isn't really anything to get to excited about. When a 3 is posted people should start heading home and trying to get to shelter. If a 3 is posted kindergarten and preschool students don't even have to go to school. When an 8 is posted people don't even have to go to work and kids don't have to attend school. When a 10 is posted that means we are in the storm and it is right above us. All day yesterday we were in a 3 post and then at 11 p.m. or 23:00 we were in an 8. Our team was asleep by the time it hit an 8 and to tell you the truth it wasn't that powerful because none of us woke up. The Hong Kong people made it out to be much bigger than it was even though it probably could have been a really big deal. For preparation they tape up the windows so that if the window breaks it will stay somewhat together, and they post signs up everywhere as warnings and notifications.

Well I just want to let everyone know that it is going great and we are all healthy and HO TANG!


Big "E"

Saturday, July 18, 2009

rey and roma

hi mom and dad,
I am having a great time the city looks like what new york would be. I miss yall very much i can wait to hear from you. I am learning alot and having to meet people from all over the world. I love yall very much.
LOVE YOU Samantha
Hello, Hello, Hello....

Well the first few days of our trip and we're already learning to be flexible : ). Please forgive our lack of communication, it's been super difficult to get on the Internet. We've finally figured out a way that "should" keep us connected at least while we're in Hong Kong (thru Wednesday). Jared's ipod has been great to get online some, but we were unable to post anything of substance so here goes....

We arrived safely with all of our luggage!! (Always something to be thankful for). Hong Kong is such an amazing city! It is huge, and there are so many people everywhere. We are certainly in the minority most places we go, this calls for lots of stares but, I reckon it's fun to be a celebrity for a while : ) haha. We are currently staying at a local University for a training Camp we're attending before going to China. The sessions began last night at 7 so we had the whole day to head into the city and play around. We managed to find our way around the city taking train after train after train to get into the city. There were so many stores and the city has a real NYC feel to it with taxi's, big buildings, etc.

Lunch was fun, we ended up just walking into a restaurant and picking and choosing from a very strange menu... turns out we chose the right things and we had some fun new experiences with Asian cuisine. The food has been different but the team's been so great and is adapting. We've also been daring at times and haven't gone wrong so far : ).

Then we took the opportunity to take the 5Star ferry across the harbor to Hong Kong Island... it was so beautiful and the city seems to go on for miles and miles. We've been taking some good photos and should we find the right cords we can perhaps upload some. Then it was back to the University for our Camp opening session. We are meeting some amazing people from all over the world who are doing some amazing things and sharing the good news to their local communities. It is so humbling to see, them sing in freedom! I know a few of us had some tears watching this.

We've had almost a full day of Camp today. Learning loads about China/Hong Kong... Stephen and I are busy with Team Leaders meetings and the rest of the group are enjoying playing in the rain at sports training workshops. The weather is very hot and humid so it's been a refreshing change.

Please continue to keep us in your thoughts! We're all excited for great things that are on the horizon. We love you and miss you all!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Super Sam (Samantha)

Hey my names is Samantha Gonzalez, this is my first trip and i have been looking forward to it. I just graduated college and now i just got a job at a University as a head softball coach. I hope to use the skill to help and encourage this young kids. I hope to go on many more trip in the future because I feel that this is what am meant to do.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Jessica Stuart

Ni Hao! I am Jessica Stuart and I am stoked about our trip to China! I am a Junior at Sterling College, majoring in biology and art. This is my first team trip anywhere and can't wait to discover what my number one father has in store for us!

Big E (Ernest)

Hello my name is Ernest Newton and this is my first trip with Sterling College. I have one more year of college and I am majoring in Exercise Science. I have only been overseas one time and that was to Europe so I am ready to enjoy this experience!

J-ROD (Jared)

Hola....(Oh wait thats Spanish) Ni Hao (there we go, I knew it was in there somewhere) Anyways my name is Jared Brown, and I am from the big Metropolis of Augusta Kansas. This is my first trip with Sterling College. I have 2 more years at Sterling, majoring in Athletic Training and Exercise Science. I have been on several trips before to Mexico, so this will be the first time I have been overseas. I am very excited! Well thats really all I can think of for the moment, So there was a brief intro into the life of Jared Brown, I am sure you will be hearing more from me as the trip goes on.

MTL - Stephen Wilson

MTL = Male Team Leader

Hello everyone, my name is Stephen Wilson and this is my third trip with Sterling College in 2 years. On my first trip the team and I went to Kenya, Africa. The team was lead by the one and only Christine Lederle. My second trip with the the college was to Cape Town, South Africa. This team was also lead by the incredible Christine Lederle with myself as the Assistant Team Leader. This time Christine and I are Co-leading the team to China.

I Just recently graduate from Sterling College in April with a degree in Sports Management. I was on the SC football team and was involved with the Student Life Department during my years there. I am now living in Minneapolis, MN and trying to figure out what next the father has planned for me. I am excited to see what all the father has planned for Team China during our stay there.

FTL - Christine Lederle

FTL = Female Team Leader

hi... my name is christine.